Engaging with the amateur radio community on the UK MOD 5MHz (Shared) Band.
EXERCISE BLUE HAM – ICE BREAKER 29-30 March times 0900 to 1800 LOCAL (UK)
Blue Ham exercises provide a platform to further develop Cadet radio operator skill and confidence by engaging with the Amateur radio community via the MOD 5MHz (Shared) Band.
Cadet radio operators under supervision will exchange radio messages with Amateur radio operators in the UK and Europe.
Contact the Blue Ham Team at: blueham at alphacharlie dot org dot uk
Exercise Blue Ham – Ice Breaker Amateur Operator Information
Exercise Blue Ham – Ice Breaker will provide an opportunity for Cadet radio operators to experience different styles of radio operating,
The exercise will see the establishment of voice communication with other Cadet and Amateur Radio operators on the MOD 5MHz (Shared) Band in the UK and Europe.
Each RAFAC Cadet radio operator, will be allocated a unique MRE callsign.
Qualified RAFAC CFAV radio operators supervising Cadets or supporting Exercise Blue Ham may use their Unit callsign to exchange ‘Service’ messages only.
CCF (ARMY), ACF and SCC are invited to participate in Exercise Blue Ham, however, units participating are required to use their own Callsigns.
The exercise will deliver safe and rewarding training activities for cadets to:
Improve their communication skills.
Provide an environment that is challenging and interesting.
RAFAC and Cadet stations use standard ICAO – NATO radio procedures. To provide the opportunity for Cadet operators to interact with different operating techniques Amateur radio operators are requested to maintain their own personal style of operation.
If Amateur stations are willing to take part in Ice Breaker, Stations will use the What 3 Words App, https://what3words.com to create and decode a three word message.
For example a message offer may take the form: What is located at, Recall Report Dated.
And the reply could be: Located at, Recall Report Dated, is the Edinburgh Spitfire Memorial.
Cadet or Amateur station may initiate the exchange of Ice Breaker messages.
Phase One
Initial contact, will be the customary exchange of the following information.
It’s required for the station Blue Ham contact log.
* Time (Zulu)
* Frequency in use
* Contact Callsign
* Radio Check results
* Contact Location (Maidenhead Locator)
* Contact Transmitter Power
* Contact Antenna Type
* Contact Antenna Direction
Others information is optional like equipment Make and Model, operator name, location, local weather conditions, will also be logged by the Cadet operator.
In the interest of Safety, Cadet operators will maintain the formality of RAFAC radio procedure, no operator names, personal amateur callsigns or unit locations will be given.
Cadet units will use the Maidenhead Locator square to give a 6-character reference of the Unit location.
Phase Two – Ice Breaker
To avoid repeating the exchange of basic station information during subsequent or potentially multiple contacts with the same Callsigns during Exercise Blue Ham, Phase Two – Ice Breaker, which is the exchange of What 3 Words information has been added to this exercise.
Unless there has been a significant change in the station configuration, only the following information is required for subsequent contacts.
* Time (Zulu)
* Frequency in use
* Contact Callsign
* Radio Check results
If conditions are favourable and you are prepared to participate in Ice Breaker, the exchange of the What 3 Words message and reply can take place.
- RAFAC stations should change (QSY) to a new exercise frequency every 20 minutes.
- Note If operating on SUNDAY, RAFAC stations will vacate 5.398.5KHz before 15:00 the frequency will be used by the GB2RS News Broadcast until 15.30 (LOCAL)
Frequency | Blue Ham Channel | Assignment – Use |
5278.5 kHz | 1 | |
5298.5 kHz | 2 | |
5301.0 kHz | 3 | |
5304.0 kHz | 4 | |
5320.0 kHz | 5 | |
5335.0 kHz | 6 | |
5354.0 kHz | 7 | Available to European Amateurs |
5363.0 kHz | 8 | Available to European Amateurs |
5365.0 kHz | 9 | |
5366.5 kHz | 10 | |
5369.0 kHz | 11 | |
5371.5 kHz | 12 | |
53790 kHz | 13 | |
5395.0 kHz | 14 | |
5398.5 kHz | 15 | Not to be used 1500-1530 (Local) on Sundays |
5403.5 kHz | 16 | Available in the USA and Canada |